Sunday, February 19, 2023

Target audience

 Now let’s talk target audiences! This is one of the most essential points that needs to be addressed when creating a film opening. I need to make sure that my film opening is designed to engage and target the certain type of people I am trying to reach with my film. 

Since I am doing a mystery film opening, I need to first see what would be my best audience to target. I have to think about who do mystery films usually target? From my previous research, I have learned that mystery films usually have a large target audience of males and females ranging from 15-40 years. For my own personal film, I think I would mostly focus on reaching both females and males ranging from 15-25, which would be teenagers and young adults.

Now that I have set my target audience, I have to now think of ways to reaching it. What are some ways to target this audience? One of the first things I think of is representation. Nowadays there are many films that try to reach younger audiences trying to connect with them. Using things such as slangs and trending topics is one way to do this. This helps audiences see themselves in films and feel represented by them. This can allow for a large majority of audiences feeling seen and heard through hard topics as well, talking about things such as mental health and identity issues can help connect with audiences as these are topics that are not talked about often. 

Another way is through the characters. Creating relatable and lovable characters is another way of targeting certain audiences. It is important to create memorable characters that audiences will be able to connect with. This allows for films to receive more attention and love only through the way characters interact and act.

These are all things I need to take into consideration when developing my characters as well as my plot of my film. I need to focus on connecting with my audience and developing a film opening that will catch their eye.

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